This is an extremely controversial topic. So why did I write this? Because everyone always asks me! Some as a test to see if I am a pure bred dog snob or others to see if I agree with a philosophy and or their morals.

First, let me say I firmly believe in rescuing animals! I have rescued so many over the past 30 year I can’t begin to count! All breeds and all ages. I currently have 3 rescued Cats and now a 4th called Merry Christmas who found my rural country front porch in a snow storm on… yep… Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas who was less than 2 lbs was given a bowl of warm milk (formula) and a heating pad. Spiked eggnog for me! So far this year it has been a Goat, a Horse and a Kitten.
This year Sue, my co-breeder gave respite and hospice care to a lovely older Ruby Cavalier girl whose elderly owner passed. She unfortunately had late stages of oral cancer and passed just two short weeks after her loving owner. Sue assumed all the bills and cared for the girl as if it were her own.

LynWood as well as all my co-breeders take back any puppy/dog that we have ever bred if the owner is not able or willing to take care of them during their lifetime. All our puppies/dogs are microchipped and have our name as final contact so they always have a forever home.
Animals wether rescued, pure bred, mix breed or special needs can bring so much joy into your life!

Nako, which means Cat in Japanese is now 13 years young. Her main goal in life maintain the whelping box temperature when not in a sunny spot! The mums all know that they leave on break, Nako snuggles in to keep the babies warm. Sometimes it is more difficult to get her out!!
Lucky, aka The White Deaf Dumpster Kitty believes he is a Cavalier.
Many years ago when my grandfather and godfather would say in conversation they were Dog Breeders and showed in Field Trials, Obedience and Dog shows, people had total respect and would ask questions and inquire about their hobby. Now, if I say ‘I occasionally breed and show dogs’ I have had people turn their backs, walk away, had one leave the Dental Office and another I honestly thought was going to slap me! Why??

Many people firmly believe that ALL Dog breeders are in it for $$ Money and that our dogs are kept in horrid conditions that HSUS, PETA and others portray on the TV and Internet. They believe that Puppy mills in the US are abhorrent and dogs live in filthy conditions without adequate food, water or veterinary care and female dogs are bred at every opportunity with no time to recover between litters. That inbreeding is also a huge problem creating defective puppies. That the way to close down these establishments is to close down pet stores.
Do I want to see Large Industrial Breeding Centers closed down?? You bet! I also want to see only quality dogs that are health tested be bred too! In many countries such as Norway, Finland and Sweden there is mandatory health testing for all registered dogs that are bred and all strays or rescues have to be altered. Hmmm… no over population of dogs either!
PETA and the Humane Society of the US (HSUS) has done a very good job to vilify all Animal Breeders with their campaigns over the last 20 years and billions of $ dollars spent on advertising, state and federal legislation that has moved the emotional moral compass of Americans believing an often false narrative. Let me explain.

With the closure of many brick and mortar Pet Stores that were moderatly regulated, inspected, had to provide proof of health and the location of the USDA inspected dog kennel where it came from. The closure of these stores seemed like a blessing to reduce the sales of puppies bred by the Industrial Puppy Breeders i.e... Puppy Mills. This however, did not slow Americans love affair with pure bred dogs or puppies. It was a blessing in disguise for the Puppy Mills where the internet became their highway to direct sales to the public!! No middle man! Ship direct!

Back Yard Breeders, Puppy Brokers and Rescues began ordering puppies directly from the Puppy mills. They sell puppies direct without having to keep, breed, whelp or maintain any dogs!! A renewable commodity with NO responsibilities, NO inspections and NO accountability and completely Unregulated!

Most appalling to me is Puppy Mills selling directly to Retail Rescue.
I can’t find the picture, however it was a group of puppies that a Retail Rescue posted that these puppies (all very different breeds) had been ‘newly rescued’ and were ready for adoption! The eager ‘Rescuers' forgot one important tidbit… all the puppies were still wearing their USDA collars from the puppy mill they came from via the transporter. OOoppps!

Many of the Retail Rescue Groups are now actually owned by previous Puppy Mill owners. These individuals are now getting higher dollar rates for their puppies selling direct to the public, tax free with 501C and with no responsibilities or accountability.

USDA has enacted such strict rules on Large Scale Industrial Dog Breeders and Centers that they are very costly to operate. They also have Animal Activists on their tails too. Many have closed or moved their operations to Mexico or Asia.
The add for the Cavalier puppies here is from Singapore. Many kennels are also located in Mexico, Ireland, Russia, Korea, Philippines, Singapore and China. Yes, they ship about 1 million dogs a year into the US! There are NO regulations on these Kennels. If you thought the conditions in the US were bad, I do not even want to think …!
So lets look at what has happened to Rescue in the last 20 years. What is happening now that there is a vacuum from the closure of Pet Stores, vilification of pure bred dog breeders and the American public wanting a purebred dog with the idea of personal fulfillment of a Rescue.

Yes, there are some very reputable Rescue organizations. One for pure bred dogs is through the AKC National Breed clubs. Owners will contact the national or regional clubs if they need help and cannot locate the dog’s breeder. Most City and State run shelters hand over pure bred dogs to the National clubs.

The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Rescue Trust (The Trust) was organized to benefit Cavalier in need who have been lost, abandoned or are unwanted, to provide a cohesive, nationwide network of rescue volunteers and to provide public education in an effort to reduce the number of Cavaliers that come into rescue. The Trust is organized under IRS section 501C 3 providing donors with federal income tax deductions, to the extent allowed by the IRS. Further, the Trust provides insurance covering the activities of its volunteer workers following the guidelines set down by The Trust.
Click on The Trust logo to go to their page for Cavaliers currently for adoption or to donate.
The Cavalier Rescue Trust has very strict guidelines such as they will not purchase rescues. Cavaliers that are being sold or auctioned by puppy millers or people no longer wanting their dog but want funds or puppies being sold such as Craigslist cannot purchased. One would think this is wrong, however you will understand why shortly. All members volunteer their time!
Rescue groups like the AKC National Breed Clubs raise money all year with a base of volunteers assisting one dog at a time. The rescued dog is health evaluated, temperament tested and fostered until a wonderful home is found for them with a nominal fee or offset supplies for the next rescue. They are then placed on a trial where the new family has a support group. The dog can always be returned for any reason. There are many good and reputable rescue groups, however, they like reputable breeders are becoming as illusive as the dinosaur. How to find a reputable Rescue group is located at the bottom of the page.

Dec 30, 2016
Cavalier Rescue of Alabama Paid $10,794 for just 4 dogs from a Breeder -
“Below you will see information regarding a ‘rescue group’ that routinely buys dogs (including many pregnant females) from auctions at insanely high prices using donation money from the public. These dogs/puppies are being purchased directly from breeders at auctions ….

They don’t care about the ridiculously high/over inflated prices because it’s not their money they are spending, its the public’s donations, believing they re “saving” these dogs. Is this real rescue? When someone routinely buys pregnant dogs, whelps the puppies and selling them. This is NOT rescue!! Rescues must be regulated to stop this loophole allowing these non-profit groups to avoid having to abide by the same regulations that breeders are required to adhere to! This group buys dogs, whelps litters, houses dogs and puppies, ships and sells all under the guise of “adoption” without having to provide the care and routine inspections required of breeders that are above board and being vilified by the same groups that routinely purchase dogs/puppies from them. This is a disturbing trend among rescues that need stop be stopped.”
The most common victims of Pet Theft are purebred dogs. their pedigree has street value that can fetch thousands of dollars with little effort or expense to the dog napper. Pets may be sold and shipped through an underground pipeline to either mills for breeding or to Retail Rescue groups for instant resale. This is referred to as ‘dog flipping’. Unsuspecting Rescue Adoptees find that the pet has a microchip and the owners of the lost dog can be states away!
With the overwhelming demand for rescue dogs in the US and the decrease of pure bred breeders, ‘RETAIL Rescue Groups’ has created the BLACK MARKET for importing of dogs. It is estimated that over ONE MILLION dogs are imported into the US by Retail Rescue in 2017.

Dogs and Puppies are being smuggled, flown in and used as drug mules into the US every day. They are portrayed as being rescued from ‘meat farmers’ in South Korea to Goldens roaming the streets of a 3rd world country that doesn’t even show dogs! This multi billion dollar BLACK MARKET business is completely unregulated. Rescue Brokers buy puppies in bulk from $10 to $100 a litter and fly, drive and smuggle them into the US. The USDA for some reason does not want to enforce the laws when it comes to Rescues and their Brokers.

Retail Rescue has created Dog Trafficking Black Market of dog breeders and mills in 3rd world countries and Mexico. They are transported across the US where the prices are jacked up and bringing in diseases not found in the US that are killing our dogs who have never been exposed.

Under federal law, it is illegal to import any puppy under the age of six months for resale but the USDA does not track or regulate any of these rescues. The regulation exists but the USDA ignores it while they instead hammer down on dog breeders for a single cobweb or a rust spot on a wire.
"Under federal law it is illegal to import any puppy under the age of six months for resale but the USDA does not track or regulate any of these rescues. The regulation exists but the USDA ignore it while they instead hammer down on US dog breeders for a single cobweb or a rust spot on a wire. Vying for the top stop year after year, is the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society in Maine and the North Shore Animal League in NY. Both have shipped over 150,000 cats and dogs from all over America to sell through their two shelters. In just 2015 alone, Greater Androscoggin bragged that they sold 4,060 animals, most of them puppies imported from who knows where. At an average price of $300, this shelter took in over 1.2 million from animal sales alone. They did not pay a penny in sals tax, the kennels are not inspected and the origins of the puppies is a mystery as well as their health. This is insane. This is Retail Rescue” Jay Kitchener, The Cavalry Group.

Jan 8, 2018 These Canadian ladies spent $thousands of donated funds to go to South Korea and rescue two greyhounds from going to the ‘Meat Market’.

They flew back into Detroit because the US laws are so lax. Problem was that the dogs were carrying a highly infectious disease called the Canine Influenza H3N2. This was the first two cases confirmed in Canada!! Following their quarantine the dogs were sent back to the US!
Reality Check: Greyhounds are NOT bred for meat!
BROOKLYN - A group of poodles rescued from a shelter in South Korea - some of them saved from the dog meat trade - are looking for homes in New York City this weekend. The 10 pups … flown in by the rescue group Free Korean Dogs” after being pulled from a shelter in the City of Jinhae. “These were either from he dog meat trade or abandoned on the street”

A simple Google of Jinhae Korea for Poodles finds a Huge Puppy Store ROLLY TEACUP PUPPIES with a US Division located in Atlanta GA. The Tea Cup puppies range in price from FOUR to SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! They have Italian Greyhounds, Shih Tzu, Bichon, Pugs, Pomeranians, King Charles Mix and French Bulldogs.
Reality Check: These dogs are not destined to a meat market… this is Retail Rescue SELLING dogs from puppy mills from Korea!! Seriously, think about this… Miniature Poodles are not used in the meat trade… for what… Hors d’oeuvres? They are NOT abandoned on the streets. Yet, people spend THOUSANDS of dollars helping to perpetuate this fraud.
March 15,2017
STRAY Pure Blood GOLDEN RETRIEVERS from Rescued from TURKEY Dozens of purebred Golden Retrievers abandoned in Turkey are given new lives in the US. 36 Goldens to arrive after a 12 hour flight. They are abandoned, starving and roaming the streets or in the pounds which are deplorable.
Every major city in the last two years had FOX news running a story about Goldens being rescued. Hundreds!

Reality Check: I lived in Turkey and know that there are NO Goldens running around much less pure bred ones. Turkey just formed their first Kennel club and has 4 dog shows a year. Their dogs are LARGE working breeds, not Goldens. Now the Fraud or Scam has legal action by Ministry of Turkey.
It is estimated that over ONE MILLION dogs are imported into the US every year to fill the demand for purebred trade and Rescues.
Rescue groups trafficking in from foreign countries such as Mexico, Taiwan, India.. all countries where rabies is endemic in the dog populations.
“We’ve had a dog with Rabies come in from Iraq. One came in from India and another from Thailand. We’ve had a dog from Puerto Rico that wound up in a shelter in Massachusetts that was confirmed with Rabies” Arnold Goldman A veterinarian in Connecticut who has concerns about the booming interstate moment of dogs. ( Reality check: this is ONE state! )
Imported dogs bring in exotic disease that is not only a risk to our dogs but us as well! Rabies and other zoonotic diseases.

The H3N2 Canine Influenza killed hundreds of dogs in Chicago in 2015. It was imported by a large group of dogs that Retail Rescue brought in with false health documentations from Korea. The dogs were shuffled through the pipeline and only after outbreaks happened was it able to be tracked.
Now, again in 2017 Los Angeles reported the presence of multiple outbreaks and dogs infected. They develop severe pneumonia.
Let’s follow the trail again and see that importing of sick dogs into Chicago is happening yet again.

Jan 25, 2018 FOX 32 NEWS ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE Announces that they have Kennel Cough and some dogs with Pneumonia. ( Same symptoms as H3N2 ) AWL accused of horrifying conditions. Graphic video and pictures showing dogs in horrific conditions and an outbreak of Kennel cough.
Dogs in respiratory distress… dogs laying in feces. Leaked photos show mouse droppings, backed up sewage, pigeons roaming freely and dogs crated and caged in deplorable conditions.
The director then admitted they had the influenza and the facility inspector that is related to her passed the inspection.
The Animal Welfare League of Chicago grosses over $ 5.8 MILLION DOLLARS 2013

Reality Check: The director makes 6 figures. They have a full paid staff. The conditions of this facility did not happen in a day, a week or a month.
The dog in the first picture does NOT have Kennel cough, he has hemorrhagic diarrhea and that didn’t just happen. I can’t even begin to count the violations of this facility and I hope everyone is prosecuted to the maximum and sentenced to Jail!

Organization Name BUDGET
Animal Welfare League (Chicago) 5,8080
SPCA of Texas
Associated Humane Societies (NJ)
Houston SPCA
San Diego Humane Society and SPCA
Louisiana SPCA
Washington Humane Society (DC)
Erie County SPCA (NY)
Michigan Humane Society
Sacramento SPCA
Humane Society of Utah
Denver Dumb Friends League
Humane Society of Missouri
Wisconsin Humane Society
Animal Humane Society (Minnesota)
Arizona Humane Society
I personally will open my door, donate my time and give my hard earned money to help an animal in need. Be it on my door step or through the AKC or the AKC Cavalier Rescue.
I do not believe in purchasing dogs at auction.
The animal pipeline of interstate transport of dogs and cats should be shut down because a good portion of those dogs are actually stolen, potential carriers of disease and unknown backgrounds.
The USDA should shut the borders to all dog and cat imports to stop the Black Marketing of puppy mills in foreign countries to supply Americans with inferior, ill bred and potentially sick dogs with transmittable diseases and perpetuation of an industry we didn’t want here in the US. It is closed to Birds, Chickens, Hogs, Cattle and other animals without import licenses inspections and health verification with and potential quarantines.
Rescue organizations need to be regulated and have the same rules kennels or breeder have for the welfare of the dogs in their care. Including Veterinarian care. Retail Rescues should not be able to have 501C IRS ratings.
The biggest reality check: I want families to know Cavaliers in Rescue is NOT because Auntie Nellie passed and no one would take her dog. Reputable breeders have contracts that don’t allow their dogs to go to Rescue. Majority of Cavaliers are either surrendered or purchased from a puppy mill or families due to health issues of the dog. Be aware of what their health issues are and what the financial and emotional burden could be for you. This is being responsible for your family as well as for the dog.
Second would be that the percentage of reputable breeders that are doing health testing… even minor health testing is just a tiny fraction of the Cavaliers and pure bred dogs in the US today. The major population of Cavaliers in the US are from commercial kennels or imported. One can not blame reputable American Pure Bred Dog fanciers for the state of health of pure bred dog population in todays world.
The real question is… was the puppy really rescued?

Pound Puppy Rescue. 501C All puppies are looking for a furrrever home. Shelters call us when they have puppies that need to be rescued. We transport puppies from shelters to our volunteer foster homes where fosters take care of them until 8 weeks old. We post the pictures online and schedule an adoption event. You see a puppy your interest in and fill out an application online. You see a puppy your interested in. Looking for a particular breed, let us know! Donate and get a tax deduction!
This big guy can have a forever home with me! I would make sure the previous owners were prosecuted to the fullest extent. What a loyal dog sitting in the owners chair thrown out with the trash. It was reported he stayed there over a week waiting for his family to return.

1 Verify that the rescue group is a Charitable organization. Do a google search of the owners, check the Better Business Bureau and any pending legal actions.
2 Familiarize yourself with the adoption process Fill out the application and never give out personal information such as driver’s license number, Social security number and or ay banking information. Many rescues schedule a ‘ home visit’ Make sure you have fully investigated the adoption group before you allow strangers into your home.
3 NEVER prepay for a rescue dog!! Adoption donation fees ranging from free to $200 is acceptable. Higher fees means they are usually a Retail Rescue and for the money. NEVER pay an application fee or a pre-adoption fee.
4 Ask for references. Any reputable rescue will be proud to provide you with several references from happy adopters. Contact them and find out if they were happy with their dogs and if the adoption process went smoothly.
5 Always get the Dog’s medical records PRIOR to adopting. This would include their shots, fecal and heart worm test ad general physical including health issues such as teeth, hearing and heart.
6 Temperament Test should be done on all rescues. They should know if the dog likes or dislikes towards other dogs, children or people in general. What they know to do like sit, walk on a lead and or potty trained.
7 Make sure the rescue will take the dog back at anytime if the dog does not work out. All Reputable rescues will take a dog back at any time for any reason. If they don’t, it normally means that they know the dog is sick, injured, inbred or poorly socialized. This is a good clue you are working with a puppy mill.
8 Ask many questions about the dog. Everything from crate training, food aggression, potty training, temperament and most importantly if he has ever growled or bitten another dog or person. Find out where the dog came from, how long they had it in their possession, any and all transport papers. Visit the center several times and find the right dog for you.
9 As soon as you adopt your pet, go directly to your Vet and make sure they do a full evaluation including a Parvo snap test, fecal exam and full wellness including a blood panel if it is an older dog. Also assess the overall condition of the dog including teeth and heart and joints. Also have the animal scanned for a microchip. The dog could be lost or stolen and the owners are still looking for them. If not, have your name added to the microchip. If they aren not chipped, make sure to have the AKC Reunite chip inserted.
10 Recap Rules:
* Rescue group will not take back the dog
*Cant or won’t tell you the dog’s history or where they got the dog from our if their story changes
* Asks any type of upfront money
* Requires payment prior to seeing the dog
* The animal is arriving on a transport truck or coming from a 3rd world
* Does not have Veterinary Health information
* Has quetionable online review
* Has puppies of different purebreds.
WALK AWAY!! There are many, many wonderful Rescue groups! There is nothing more enjoyable than giving a dog a second chance and loving home.