All LynWood Cavaliers and puppies are microchipped with AKC REUNITE with a full prepaid lifetime registration. There are no annual fees, and easy to update the records by online. This is an International chip and good for travel to Canada and abroad as well as it can be read by any universal scanner.
Amazingly, it is estimated that 1 in 3 pets go missing in their lifetime. I would put the percentage even higher for Cavaliers. They originated from hunting spaniels and as the saying goes you can take the spaniel out of the field, but not the hunting field instinct out of the dog. They love chasing squirrels, birds, butterflies and rabbits!

If that is not bad enough, Cavaliers are also fearless, outgoing and have the ‘teenage mentality’ that nothing can hurt them! They willingly go to strangers and seek out new friends.
Therefore all of LynWood cavaliers do not leave our home with an AKC REUNITE microchip. We register the chip when doing the AKC registration and have the new owners update the information during the life of their dog.
Do Microchips work?
Honestly I personally attest that it works. Scarlett, our resident Cairn Terrier walked to the front of our property. A wonderful lady who was being a good samaritan thought she was lost. She opened the door and Scarlett who loves car rides jumped right in! Free Car ride!!! Whoop Whoop!!
Meanwhile we were frantically searching for Scarlett as the good samaritan drove to her daughter who was a local vet in town.

Frantic, I called AKC Reunite and was giving them updated information when my husband's phone rang and it was AKC Reunite on the other end saying that Scarlett had been found! OMG! We drove over and picked her up holding back the tears. We found Scarlett in the front office playing ball and having a grand time!

The Vet told us that the AKC REUNITE is her favorite chip because many Microchip companies require annual fees or the owners insert the chip but fail to register it. The dogs may have a chip but it is useless unless it is properly registered and all payments kept up to date. So she was very happy to see that Scarlett was chipped with a Reunite chip. Total Success story and Scarlett got two car rides, played ball with some cute little girls and an extra helping for dinner. I also called Reunite and thanked the staff for all their assistance. 100% recovery rate!!

AKC Reunite allows for a number of contact information data including
Dog Owner - Co-Owner - Breeder - Veterinarian - other
This includes phone numbers, addresses, emails and text messages. So when a pet is found information is sent out to everyone for fast recovery.
You can order Tags and Collars by clicking above. Please contact AKC REUNITE if you have any questions or concerns with your dog's microchip or if you want to order one for your other cats, dogs, parrots and animals.
When a Pet Goes Missing

I also get emails from AKC Reunite when pet in my area has gone missing. They have a listing of Veterinarians, Shelters and all their clients that have AKC Reunite registered pets in a certain area are sent emails too! I hope you never have to use the following information, but if you do, these suggestions are excellent.
* Before your pet has time to roam too far, immediately begin searching within a 2 mile radius from where your pet was last seen. Ask Neighbors and friends to help. Widen the range 1 mile per hour.
* If you go on daily or weekly walks, go that route. Dogs often times take themselves on their own walk.
* Contact AKC Reunite at 1800-252-7894 to let them know your microchipped pet is lost and to confirm your contact information is up to date.
* Create and print lost pet posters including your pet's name, Photo and Phone# Hang the posters in the surrounding area. Poster board with zip ties on to Stop signs is the best.
* Contact your local shelters, Humane societies, Veterinarians, Pet Stores, and the police to report your pet missing with an accurate description including coat, size, weight, age that they are microchipped. Call everyone daily.
* Use social media including FaceBook. Include a print out of the lost poster so others can hang them. Amazing how many pets are found because of Social Media now!