As an AKC Breeder of Merit with over 30 years of active involvement. We are blessed with numerous AKC conformation Champions and performance titles on our dogs. Health screening is paramount including MRI scanning for CM/SM. This is not a selling point, but a way of life for us.
LynWood represents three generations of a family passion for dog showing and responsible breeding. Our daughter, Rebecca Arial Kim Hefty pictured above with her homebred Cairn Terrier, Ch WolfBay My English Lord and my Cavalier, Ch Kenjockety Black Absolute who both went Best of Winners, Best of Breed and finished their AKC Championships on the same day. Pictured with family friends and mentors Jack & Pat Onofrio.

Hunter - LynWood Perfect Pitch shown above with actress Blake Lively in the motion picture film ‘The Age of Adeline'. In Style Magazine article Meet Blake Lively's furry Co stars in the Age of Adeline.

Many of our puppies have become registered Service and Therapy dogs. Linda raised and trained young puppies for the Seeing Eye of NY and continues the same early socialization with each litter of Cavaliers.
Louie just received his Therapy Dog certification. He is a Gator son and we are so proud of him! He now is now a reading dog and LOVES it!!

2017 was a fun year with many of our dogs winning in different venues. We feel so belted to with our wonderful puppy owners. Hank, shown below sporting just a few of his ribbons that he was awarded this year. So proud of Hank and Mary!! 2018 has started off with a bang too!

Pepper sporting her Baird Tartan Collar and 3 generations of family heirlooms of dog showing. My father, Col Kenneth R. Baird picked her out and named her Pepper after his favorite Dalmatian. He passed this year in Colorado Springs.

No Matter how many titles, ribbons & trophies we've collected over the years, nothing compares to the love we have for our dogs! All our dogs live in our home and are members of our family. We do not own a kennel or have kennel runs. The few litters we have are born in our bedroom and raised in our home.

Occasionally we have puppies available to approved homes. Current news on upcoming litters is on the upper right. Go to our Puppy Inquiry for more information. You can fill out a Questionaire and get the process started.
In following with the code of ethics for the National AKC Cavalier Club we do the following health exams on the parents. We are now able to list these certificates on OFFA and have a CHIC number for:
* Hearts
* Eyes
* Hips
* Patellas
LynWood goes one step further and all of our Cavaliers are:

Finding a responsible, ethical and reputable breeder that is health testing and raising well socialized, high quality, and a healthy companion puppy is not easy. There is no printed buyer's guide or online list. Our site has an excellent list of questions to ask your perspective breeder. Here is additional suggestions for finding a good breeder in the US.
Buy either from a reputable breeder that is doing ALL (not just part) the health testing or contact a local Cavalier rescue group.
We are always available to answer questions. Call or email us about Cavaliers or our breeding program. We will be glad to assist you in finding a wonderful companion puppy. If we do not have puppies available, I will be pleased to refer you to a reputable breeder in your area.
Linda Baird & Woody Goode

The biggest threat to our Cavaliers in the last 5 years has been Bravecto and the ‘new’ renamed - with same ingredient cousins. Frontline Gold is on the no-no list! One of our puppy owners went for a basic exam and was sent home with Credelio. She wouldn’t use until she called me. It was promptly returned Some dogs can tolerate it, Cavaliers can’t!
Please treat the environment, not your dog! Preventative, pro active use of Repellants is what is best for you and your dog. Even if you have to spray the yard due to an infestation, it is still safer than these!
We use Revolution when absolutely needed. We also use real cedar mulch. The dogs get a couple drops of lemon grass and cedar oil from a private distiller. We plant lots of peppermint and lemon grass and Cennranella. All my borders have Marigolds. We saw 2 mosquitos all year. It’s beautiful, less expensive and works well for us.