Many exciting things to look forward to this 2014. First is the Grayslake show where Marilyn will be taking Connie in the ring for the first time. This is in prep for the IKC International Dog Show in Chicago in Feb. I will be at the Chicago Dental conference (Boooo) so I expect everyone to cheer on our babies! :) Faith has volunteered to do the meet the breed again! Silly girl.. she loved all the attention.
Then we have the CKCSC MidWest show in April here in Chicago and two weeks later off to North Carolina to the 20th anniversary AKC National Specialty. I can't believe it has been 20 years. It seems like yesterday the 'dirty dozen' broke from CKCSC and created ACKSC and Cavaliers went AKC! Time flies!!
Meg has been 'on the ball' as always and registered a couple of our babies for Futurity. It will be fun to find out if we are 'in the money' with our evaluations! Ten and Hunter had a wonderful start off and now just waiting to mature and grow hair.
Faith and Woody have been in the ribbons of late so we are looking forward to her finishing her championship this year.
Kit Cat with her black spot and I are going to obedience classes this winter. Not sure if it is for me or her, but we are looking forward to agility and rally. I would love to enter her in the CKCSC Rally and get one of those huge ribbons! Hmmmm….

We wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year and come join us in the front row!!