… a day in the life of LynWood Cavaliers! Yes, we do AKC shows, however we live, love and laugh! Then we have a 'cat nap' …. click below on the writing for the automatic review box of all images.

Joy - A registered Therapy Dog that weekly visits the Children's Cancer center in Chicago with her owner Diane. She is an amazing healer and brings joy to us all… she is dressed in her fairy costume!

Speedy, at his first AKC show and won the major and BOS! Our daughter, Rebecca Hefty proudly watching.

4 week old Tori with her Ducky! Tori went on to be the foundation breeding at Meg Hennessy and produced Hank who is one of the most titled Cavaliers in performance.

LoveBug clowning around and is healthy at age 12. With her clear MRI scan she became the foundation of our breeding program.

Jewel and her grandchildren. Jewl as of 2018 is still alive and has a grade one heart murmur and about to celebrate her 15th birthday.

Linda with baby LynWood Laird of Kenjockety. Frasier was my first SM affected dog. The breeding was outcrossed from our longstanding Homerbrent lines. He set us on the course of MRI scanning all our dogs.

Rebecca on Bama owned by Mel Rish. Mel was Rebecca’s private tutor in advanced Math and Science. The world is a better place because of her dedication to teaching young girls!